Application of Manucharyan v Armenia is communicated

On 1 July 2009 criminal proceedings were instituted on account of the murder of K.S. who was shot dead at 1.30 a.m. that day in a street in Alaverdi. On the same date the Spartak Manucharyan appeared before the Alaverdi Police unit, surrendered a gun and confessed to the murder. On the same date he was charged with murder and illegal possession of firearms. Two days later Manucharyan was questioned by the investigator. He did not admit his involvement in K.S.’s murder and refused to testify.
In the course of the investigation the sole eye-witness, K.M., who was K.S.’s girlfriend and had been present at the scene of the murder, testified that it had been the applicant who, after yelling and swearing, had started to shoot at K.S.’s car.
It appears that during the pre-trial investigation no confrontation was held between the applicant and K.M.
It appears that the Regional Court held hearings in the absence of witness K.M.
On 4 November 2010 the Regional Court found the applicant guilty as charged and sentenced him to thirteen years’ imprisonment. In doing so, it mainly relied on the pre-trial statements of witness K.M.
Thus on May 31, 2011 the lawyer of CSL HR ENGO Edmon Marukyan after exhausting all domestic remedies resented the case to the ECtHR stating that a violation of Article 6 § 3 (d) of the Convention has taken place as the prosecution witness K.M. was not examined at the trial.
The case was communicated on July 11, 2013 and questions were sent to the Government of the RA.{%22docname%22:[%22\%22MANUCHARYAN%20v.%20ARMENIA\%22%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22COMMUNICATEDCASES%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-123743%22]}

“Supporting Human Rights Cases through Legal Education”

Funded by:  U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section
Project Manager: Edmon Marukyan
Project Duration: Sep.15, 2011-Feb.14, 2012
Total Grant amount: 4,179.00USD

From September 2011 “Center for Strategic Litigations” HR NGO implements a project entitled “Supporting Human Rights Cases through Legal Education”.
The aim of the project is to assist the increase of number and improvement of quality of the applications sent to the European Count on human Rights from Armenia.
Within the framework of the project it is planned to conduct a training session for 35 lawyers and advocates practicing in Lori Region on the topics of “Introduction to the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” and European Court of Human Rights, “Procedure for applying to the European Court”, “Preparation of an application to the European Court”. The project also includes individual legal consulting of lawyers, establishment of a professional library, organization of professional discussions, launch “Center for Strategic Litigations” HR NGO based resource center for advocates.

“Monitoring of the implementation of recommendations of European Committee for the Prevention of Torture by Armenia”

Funded by: Counterpart International Representation in Armenia
Project Manager: Naira Khachatryan
Project Duration: November 1, 2011- April 30, 2012
Total Grant amount: 2.700.000 AMD

From November 1, 2011 “Center for Strategic Litigations” HR NGO started implementation of a project entitled “Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture by the Republic of Armenia”.
The aim of the project is to monitor the implementation the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Armenia within the frames of “European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”, drawl of public attention towards the importance of public supervision mechanism active implementation.
Within the framework of the project it is anticipated to conduct comparative analyze of recommendations developed by European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the responses of Armenian government and to collect information from the respective Armenian institutions. By the end of the project it is expected to publicize a study on the effective implementation of the reforms mentioned in the government responses to the recommendations of European Committee for the Prevention of Torture.