“The war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the 44-day war of 2020 committed by Azerbaijan”

The report reflect war crimes and crimes against humanity that Azerbaijan committed against ethnic Armenians during the 44-day war in 2020. It was elaborated taking into consideration the statements made in open sources, by famous international organizations, such as Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, Amnesty International etc., as well as the articles of major media outlets, such as BBC, Al Jazeera, Reuters, The Independent, France 24 and so on.


Report-War Crimes 2020

Working meeting for ECHR application submission

Today, within the framework of the “International Legal Mechanisms for Prosecution of War Criminals and Protection of Property Rights” project Tatevik Matinyan, the project manager and project assistant Mariam Khzmalyan met with Yeghishe Kirakosyan, representative of the Republic of Armenia at the European Court of Human Rights.

During the meeting interstate complain submitted to the ECHR by the Republic of Armenia and Individual complaints submitted to the ECHR by the “Center for Strategic Litigation” NGO for the protection of the property rights of persons forcibly displaced as a result of 44-day war were discussed.

Edmon Marukyan presented the war crimes organized by Azerbaijan

Edmon Marukyan, President of the “Center for Strategic Litigations” Human Rights NGO as a special guest invited to the conference on the 20th anniversary of the Human Rights Program at the University of Minnesota Political Science, today presented the war crimes committed by the military-political elite of Azerbaijan at
He also spoke about necessity of targeted response from the international community, as well as the need to impose targeted sanctions on Azerbaijan’s military-political elite.

Marukyan on the closed discussion dedicated to the Karabakh conflict

Today, the founding president of CSL NGO Edmon Marukyan made an update on his Facebook page informing that he took part in a closed discussion on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict organized by one of the Austrian think tanks in Vienna.
Armenian side was represented by Edmon Marukyan and two members of Republican party Armen Ashotyan and Karen Avagyan. From the Azerbaijani side, three deputies were present as well as representatives of the Azerbaijani Analytical Center. At the meanwhile, representatives of the OSCE, EU, ambassadors, representatives of the Austrian Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and academic circles also took part in the discussion.
The discussion took place according to the rules of “Chatham House”,  that is why, it was impossible to provide with more details. However, Marukyan underlined that the views of the Armenian side were fully presented by the representatives, defended, as well as adequate response was given to the arguments of the other side.
Marukyan stressed that in the entire world wherever it is possible, the approaches arising from our national state interests should be defended. Regardless of the current military situation, the Armenian diplomatic, analytical, intellectual potential is competitive and efficient.
Summing up, Edmon Marukyan said that he will use all the international platforms available to us to advance our interests.

Edmon Marukyan is confident that we will win the case against Azerbaijan if necessary in Grand Chamber as well

The President of the “Center for Strategic Litigations” NGO stated that: “Today the judgement of European Court of Human Rights regarding Armenian captive held in Azerbaijan was received.
According to the ECHR rules, in the case of Badalyan v. Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani government has 3 months to appeal the decision to the ECHR Grand Chamber.
If it is not appealed by October 22, it will come into force, but once if it is appealed, then we still have a fight to give in the ECHR Grand Chamber.
I am sure we will register a victory in this case there as well.
Let’s wait for the developments.”, – said Mr. Marukyan on his facebook page.