Tatevik Matinyan

Board member

Education: Tatevik Matinyan graduated from “Mkhitar–Gosh” Armenian-Russian International University (Department of jurisprudence) with Honorary Distinction in 2005, got a master degree from “Mkhitar–Gosh” in 2012. Within the frames of Undergraduate Exchange Program conducted by IREX and founded by the US State Department she studied in University of Nebraska at Kearney, College of Science and Art, USA in the Field of Studies Criminal Justice (2003-2004).

Professional experience: Tatevik Matinyan has significant experience in the field of democratic governance and human rights. She has started her career volunteering with “World Learning” NGO Strengthening Program Vanadzor Office back in 2002. Between 2005 and 2019, she worked with a number of Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Organizations such as “Legal Clinic” in “Mkhitar Gosh” Armenian-Russian International University, coordinating operations of the clinic, establishing “Youth Center for Democratic Initiatives” NGO (www.democracy.am) and as a chairperson managing over 7 projects within 4 years, “Center for Strategic Litigations” NGO, managing 3 human rights projects, “Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office (www.hcav.am), managing 8 projects and supervising 18 staff and 4 branches as a head of legal division, “International and Comparative Law Centre” NGO, working in close collaboration with the RA Ministry of Defense on the project of development of tools and methodology for monitoring the process of identification of forced labor practices in the RA Ministry of Defense and “ELL Partnership” Law Firm (www.ell.am) as head of Public Administration Practice, expertizing for 2 large-scale projects entitled “The Justice Monitoring Project” and “Support to improve the bankruptcy system in Armenia”. Since 2010 she is a member of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia.

Since 2020 she is a freelance expert with concentration of human right and evidence based policy development conducting thematic researches, drafting court applications both on national in international levels (in particular ECtHR), conducting court representation and legal protection, drafting laws, writing peer reviews, developing analytical and comparative researches, conducting seminars and trainings.

Tatevik Matinyan authored and co-authored over 20 books, analytical reports and manuals in the field of criminal law, human rights, constitutional law, evidence based policy development, monitoring findings and etc.

Tatevik has participated in several professional trainings and conferences in France, Poland, Germany, Georgia, Moldova, USA.

Languages: Armenian, English, Russian

What is strategic litigation?

Strategic litigation is a method that can bring significant changes in the law, practice or public awareness via taking carefully-selected cases to court. With strategic cases, although the initial step is seeking to clarify an individual complaint before the court, in addition to clarifying the individual case the aim is to obtain justice for a whole group which might potentially find itself in a similar or comparable situation. Furthermore, strategic litigation is a legal tool for bringing social, legal and political change by using an individual case of human rights violation. In other words, the aim is to create legal precedents.
Through conduction of a strategic litigation it is aimed to:
• Create progressive jurisprudence which advances human rights and fundamental freedoms
• Instigate reform of national laws which do not comply with international human rights law
• Ensure that laws are interpreted and enforced properly
• Document human rights violations by the judiciary.
As a result of strategic litigation the following outcomes might be achieved:
• Develop civil society and mobilize communities
• Develop democratic values and the Rule of Law
• Develop legal culture.

Main values

While fulfilling its mission, CSL HR NGO adheres to the following moral values:

Sticking to principles
Is observed in commitment and adherence to the adopted ideology

Is observed in commitment to the guiding principle of causing no harm and to the honest-minded approach in achieving the set goals

Suggests a sequence of logical and interrelated actions in all initiatives of the organization.

Democracy is seen both as one of the principles and guiding values of the organization’s activity. In the capacity of a value, democracy in Armenia and growth of establishments assisting to its development are given much importance by the organization. Where democracy is seen as a principle, the organization signifies diversity of opinions and respects freedom of speech.

Active participation of stake-holders in decision making and process of implementation is ensured.

Suggests openness of the organization to the public. Transparency is the guiding principle for CSL HR NGO in implementing projects or any type of activity.

Who we are

Dear visitor,

The “Center for Strategic Litigations” (CSL) human rights (HR) non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent organization, registered by the Central Body of State Register of the Ministry of Justice of RA in accordance with the “Law about the non-governmental organizations” in 2011.

The “Center for Strategic Litigations” (CSL) is a voluntary union of human rights advocates, specialists and defenders, who accept the values adopted by CSL, and are ready to contribute their efforts and forces for the sake of human rights protection and rule of law promotion in Armenia and around the world.

CSL HR NGO since its establishment has been concentrated on implementation of human rights education and protection projects, strategic litigations both in Armenia and in the European court of Human Rights as well as legislative initiatives such as development of legal acts and norms.

Thus, join us, if you wish to become a member of professional legal team working for the sake of legal and democratic county establishment.

Our Mission

To support Armenia in the formation of legal system rooted in the rule-of-law principle through strategic litigation.

Our Objectives

  • To unite the efforts and the contributions of the members and supporters of the organization and to direct it toward Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To promote the development and the improvement of the judiciary system through strategic litigations in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To contribute to the creation of new mechanisms for the human rights protection through strategic litigations.
  • To apply the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the national courts through strategic litigations.
  • To promote the development and improvement of advocate institute in the Republic of Armenia through strategic litigations.
  • To build trust towards the profession of the advocate.
  • To improve the quality of legal education.
  • To support the peace building process in the South Caucasus through strategic litigations.
  • To promote the development of effective social means for human rights protection and fundamental freedoms.
  • To raise legal awareness and legal consciousness of the youth.
  • To raise legal awareness and legal culture through non formal education.
  • To contribute to the development of human rights education.
  • To establish a human rights library.
  • To promote provision of pro bono legal aid.
  • To organize advocacy campaigns through activating lawyers.
  • To participate in the development of national and international human rights programs.
  • To establish collaboration between Armenian and regional and international human rights institutions.
  • To initiate legislative changes and to present them to the legislative and executive branches in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To organize international exchanges for human rights lawyers.
  • To conduct trail monitoring.
  • To develop and submit Amicus Curie to courts.