Board member
Artyom Geghamyan was born in 1980, Yeghvard. Artyom holds BA in Jurisprudence and LLM from Yerevan State University School of Law, Ph.D in European Union Law from Public Administration Academy of Armenia, LLM from IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law and Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Artyom Geghamyan started his professional career in the Armenian judiciary, where he specialized in commercial disputes and contributed to the reform of Armenian civil legislation and procedure. As a Ph.D student at Public Administration Academy, he taught European Union Law and The Practice of the ECHR in various academic institutions of Armenia. As a legal officer at the Council of Europe’s Department for the Execution of the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights Artyom assisted the Committee of Ministers in its mission of supervising implementation of the ECHtR judgments by some of its member states, including Armenia, Finland, Sweden, Malta and Poland. Artyom’s mission at the Council of Europe was instrumental in expanding his experience and knowledge base of human rights issues in a wider context of international human rights law. Human rights and reform of political institutions remained at the core of Artyom’s professional interests in his capacity as a fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy of Harvard Kennedy School, where his research focused on transitional justice issues mainly in East-European and post-soviet countries.
Artyom Geghamyan briefly served as a deputy minister of justice of Armenia and managed to contribute to the reforms of judiciary, penitentiary and notarial systems.
As an attorney admitted to practice both in the New York State, US and Armenia, Artyom currently represents clients in international commercial arbitrations. He is one of the leading legal experts in mining, energy and infrastructure, as well as specializes on all aspects of corporate law, with an emphasis on debt restructuring, cross-border secured transactions and trade of commodities.