Our Mission

To support Armenia in the formation of legal system rooted in the rule-of-law principle through strategic litigation.

Our Objectives

  • To unite the efforts and the contributions of the members and supporters of the organization and to direct it toward Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To promote the development and the improvement of the judiciary system through strategic litigations in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To contribute to the creation of new mechanisms for the human rights protection through strategic litigations.
  • To apply the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the national courts through strategic litigations.
  • To promote the development and improvement of advocate institute in the Republic of Armenia through strategic litigations.
  • To build trust towards the profession of the advocate.
  • To improve the quality of legal education.
  • To support the peace building process in the South Caucasus through strategic litigations.
  • To promote the development of effective social means for human rights protection and fundamental freedoms.
  • To raise legal awareness and legal consciousness of the youth.
  • To raise legal awareness and legal culture through non formal education.
  • To contribute to the development of human rights education.
  • To establish a human rights library.
  • To promote provision of pro bono legal aid.
  • To organize advocacy campaigns through activating lawyers.
  • To participate in the development of national and international human rights programs.
  • To establish collaboration between Armenian and regional and international human rights institutions.
  • To initiate legislative changes and to present them to the legislative and executive branches in the Republic of Armenia.
  • To organize international exchanges for human rights lawyers.
  • To conduct trail monitoring.
  • To develop and submit Amicus Curie to courts.