European Program Youth in Action

Within the framework of European Program Youth in Action InfoEck- youth information center Tirol/Austria invited youth workers from Armenia, Georgia and Belarus to get to know youth information work and youth work in Tyrol, Western Austria. The project “Job Shadowing” lasted for two weeks from November 20 to December 1, 2012.  AniDerdzyan, the representative from “Center for strategic Litigation” NGO, Armenia, was based in InfoEck but also visited other youth work institutions in whole Tyrol.

The aims of the project were to get to know methods and realities of youth work in Tyrol, share experiences concerning youth work in Armenia with local youth workers and youngsters and work on possible future projects with InfoEck. The activities were participative observation, team work, visits, discussions, planning and implementation of an event concerning Eastern Partnership Youth Window at InfoEck venue for youngsters and multipliers. The participants had a chance to share with their experience and ideas and also to make presentations of their countries and their own organizations.