“Supporting Human Rights Cases through Legal Education”

Funded by:  U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section
Project Manager: Edmon Marukyan
Project Duration: Sep.15, 2011-Feb.14, 2012
Total Grant amount: 4,179.00USD

From September 2011 “Center for Strategic Litigations” HR NGO implements a project entitled “Supporting Human Rights Cases through Legal Education”.
The aim of the project is to assist the increase of number and improvement of quality of the applications sent to the European Count on human Rights from Armenia.
Within the framework of the project it is planned to conduct a training session for 35 lawyers and advocates practicing in Lori Region on the topics of “Introduction to the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” and European Court of Human Rights, “Procedure for applying to the European Court”, “Preparation of an application to the European Court”. The project also includes individual legal consulting of lawyers, establishment of a professional library, organization of professional discussions, launch “Center for Strategic Litigations” HR NGO based resource center for advocates.